
In addition to activities aimed at preventing and early detection of violating competition law incuding the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade, the Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation, and the Subcontract Act risk during ordinal operations, we provide comprehensive support for competition law. This includes internal investigations, interviews to the concerned person, leniency applications, and responding to regulatory authorities in the event of violations discovered through inspections by the Japan Fair Trade Commission or other means.

Attorneys Experienced in the Field

Our Major Cases

  • Internal investigations, leniency applications, and response to the Japan Fair Trade Commission in individual bid-rigging and cartel cases
  • Establishment of systems, internal training, and policy development to prevent violations of antitrust laws, subcontracting laws, and abuse of superior bargaining positions
  • Consultation and advice on advertising and promotional materials, including product brochures and commercials